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Manufacturing Processes


Life cycle assessments (LCA) are a common step for companies that want to use eco-friendly packaging and promote sustainability efforts in their marketing materials. An LCA can determine a product's or service's environmental impact, taking into account each stage of production, from raw material extraction to distribution to recycling or disposal.
When a product, service, or resource is renewed or regenerated, rather than wasted. When a company employs this type of closed-loop model, its products and resources are used,  then recycled or re-used in a way that allows it to go back into a new lifecycle or supply chain.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, sustainable packaging uses sustainable materials management principles, such as using lightweight or efficient materials intended to reduce the amount of waste generated when the packaging is discarded.


Amorphous polyethylene terephthalate (APET) is a type of plastic resin that is known for its clarity, durability, and shine. Its versatility and recyclability promote a wide range of potential applications, though it is commonly used for food packaging and beverage containers.

Post-consumer recycled plastics(PCR) are made from recycled material discarded from households, commercial, and other facilities. The plastic is then cleaned, reheated, and ground into flakes or granules for further use.

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is a glossy, transparent, and 100% recyclable plastic widely used for packaging foods and beverages because it is strong and lightweight.
Lacerta’s sustainable post-consumer recycled plastic for making food packaging products. Today, our entire PET packaging portfolio is made with ReCERTA™ material, which guarantees an average of 10% PCR content at minimum.
Recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) is plastic that is made from reused PET material. Because of its strength, food safety, and clarity, rPET is a popular material option for food producers and retailers looking to meet their sustainability goals.


A type of packaging where the lid and base are separate except for a single, attached edge. Clamshell packaging may include a clasp mechanism for keeping the package closed and its contents secure.
A thin sheet of transparent plastic polymer that is cut and attached to packaging to keep contents secure and free from contaminants.
Microwave-safe packaging that can be used for cooking or heating the product in a microwave oven.
Packaging designed to have one or more ways of visually indicating whether a package has been opened or tampered with.

Manufacturing Processes

A step in the plastic thermoforming process where heated, melted plastic is pushed through a die to create a desired shape.
High-pressure packaging (HPP) is a food packaging process that uses pressure to eliminate unwanted or harmful microbes from food or beverage products. HPP packaging can withstand compression and recover its original shape when opened.

The term used in manufacturing to describe the process of ensuring products meet design, performance, and quality specifications before they are delivered to customers.

SQF is an approved certification body for the Global Food Safety Initiative. It is a rigorous and credible food safety and quality program led by the global organization SQF Initiative. Recognized by retailers, brand owners, and food service providers worldwide, its Food Safety Codes are designed to meet industry, customer, and regulatory requirements for all sectors of the food supply chain.

A manufacturing process that uses heat and pressure to shape plastic sheets into different shapes. Thermoforming is a versatile and cost-effective method for creating food packaging.

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